Donna Moir

Board of Directors

Donna Moir is the commercial banking officer at Heritage Bank Shelton. She has been with Heritage Bank since 2007 and in banking for 40 years. Before becoming a commercial banking officer, she was a loan officer at Farm Credit Services. Now she focuses on assisting small businesses as well as businesses in the agriculture and aquaculture industries. She is also a graduate of the Washington AgForestry Leadership program that specifically focuses on developing leaders in agriculture, forestry and natural resources. Donna serves on the board of Lewis County Boundary Review Board and volunteers at St. John's Lutheran Church and Gather Church in Centralia. In the summertime, Donna’s favorite thing to do is make hay and being outside on the farm. Donna’s favorite part about Mason County is the good people and beautiful areas. She says, “I enjoy working with people in small towns and rural areas. They are the hardest working people I know and I love helping them make their dreams come true.” 

Donna also serves as our secretary/treasurer on the EDC board of directors. She has been with us since 2017. She says her favorite part about the EDC is, “The positive impact the EDC can make in the community, for individual businesses and for individuals. The EDC is proactive in looking at what is needed to support business and working toward solutions – everything from classes to help business owners learn and grow, how to start a new business, COVID resources available, supporting infrastructure and zoning so that we have land and facilities for existing business to expand and to bring in new businesses with living wage jobs.” 


Jae Hill


Amber Trail