Justin Holzgrove

Mason County PUD #3
Board of Directors

Justin Holzgrove is the Director of Engineering & Utility Services at Mason PUD 3, overseeing the electrical engineering, telecom engineering, energy conservation, and information technology departments. Justin’s background in communications and his jack-of-all-trades skill set allows him to navigate highly technical topics and ensure each member of the team are well positioned for their abilities and that all understand the big picture and organizational goals.

 Mason County is ripe for growth! Passionate about the success of our community, Justin’s solutions oriented approach to community and infrastructure investment have set Mason County up for success in these coming years.

 Born and raised in Hawaii, Justin made his way to Mason County through his wife, who is from Shelton. He loves this community and can’t think of a better place to live, work, and raise his family.

 Mason PUD 3 is a diamond-level Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) and a Smart Energy Provider, as designated by the American Public Power Association (APPA). PUD 3 includes about 600 square miles of service territory, with over 35,000 electricity customers. PUD 3 also operates a wholesale fiber optic telecommunications network, which supports the operation of its electric distribution services and provides high-speed broadband to rural communities.


Jennifer Capps


Kelsie Rudnick