Recap: MasonEDC Hosts Fire Prevention and Community Awareness Event

Mason County, WA – November 5, 2024 – Earlier last week, MasonEDC hosted a Fire Prevention and Community Awareness Event, bringing together experts and community members to discuss ways to improve Mason County’s preparedness for wildfires and other emergencies. The panel featured local and regional specialists, including Jesse Duvall from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Casey Whitehouse and Norma Brock from Central Mason Fire and EMS, Chief Matt Wheelander from West Mason Fire, Tammy Wright and Bob Burbridge from Mason County Emergency Management, Tiffany Morrison from MACECOM, and Mason County Sheriff Ryan Spurling.

Jesse from DNR explained the Wildfire Ready Neighbors program, a free home visit initiative that assesses property readiness for wildfires. He shared that three zones around a home are inspected: from the front door to 5 feet out, 5–30 feet, and 30–100 feet. While every property is unique, Jesse encourages homeowners to maintain a lean, clean, and green landscape. DNR conducts these property assessments in collaboration with fire districts and conservation districts.
Wildfire Ready Neighbors Program Link

Casey from Central Mason Fire and EMS emphasized that preparing a community for wildfires is a year-round commitment. The wildfire risk in Mason County is never zero; large, costly wildfires harm our timber industry, homes, and small businesses. He noted that they lack the capacity to park a firetruck at every home’s driveway, so community collaboration is essential to mitigate wildfire risks. Casey introduced the Ready, Set, Go program, a FEMA and Fire Chiefs Association collaboration aimed at individual preparedness.

Fun Fact: Houses often catch fire from embers rather than direct flames.

Chief Matt from West Mason Fire advised having a solid evacuation plan. He encouraged the community to designate an emergency contact person, establish separate evacuation plans for school and work, ensure clear driveways, and inspect the integrity of any bridges on potential routes. For readiness, he suggested keeping a tote or backpack with essentials by the door—such as medications, phone chargers, important documents, and valuables. Matt also advised keeping gas tanks at least half full, backing vehicles into parking spots for quick loading, charging phones when advised, and tuning in to local forecasts. “When you’re told to go—leave! And don’t return until it’s safe.” Additional tips included practicing evacuation routes, setting car air to recirculate during smoky conditions, and contacting your designated emergency contact.

Chief Matt also highlighted the risk drones pose to emergency helicopters; if drones are in the air, they will not fly emergency helicopters as a safety measure.

Tammy and Bob from Mason County Emergency Management introduced codeRED, a grant-funded program that provides emergency notifications. They also discussed the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), a volunteer group certified to support emergency professionals.
codeRED Information
CERT Information

Norma from Central Mason Fire and EMS highlighted sources for emergency updates, including the Mason County Hazard Facebook page, KMAS radio, MasonWebTV, and the Journal. She reminded everyone that 911 is not an informational line—delays in updates often occur as facts are verified before release.

Tiffany from MACECOM reiterated that 911 is for emergencies only. For non-emergency inquiries, the 24/7 number is (360) 426-4441. After dispatching emergency personnel, MACECOM often doesn’t have updated emergency status information.

Sheriff Ryan Spurling concluded the event, underscoring that community safety is his priority. In emergencies, he sometimes goes door-to-door to notify residents. He explained that while the sheriff’s office can’t remove adult property owners, minors can be removed in emergencies. He also reminded everyone to keep roads clear for emergency personnel to operate effectively.


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